Looking to DRASTICALLY improve your
effectiveness and enhance your life as a
Change Agent?
A Mental Fitness Regimen has an exponential impact on Pro-Equity Anti-Racism.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
Mental Fitness is The X-Factor for Your Success as a Change Agent
Did you know that 80% of people score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance and happiness? Much like your physical fitness, if you’re not in good shape, it’s difficult to climb steep hills. The same goes for mental fitness—if you have mental stress such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, it’s difficult to handle work and relationship challenges.
Recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology have shown that you can now improve your mental fitness significantly within 7 weeks of practice. This will result in improved performance and productivity, and a calm, clear, and happier mind.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
In Just 7 Weeks On-Line You Will Build Your Positive Intelligence Using Mental Fitness To Tackle Today’s Change Agent Challenges.
What is Positive Intelligence© (PQ)?
Positive Intelligence Quotient, or PQ, is the measure of your Mental Fitness. It’s the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential. You can boost your Positive Intelligence Quotient significantly with practice.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
Here is your chance to get Mentally Fit in order to ENHANCE your efforts as a Change Agent
Positive Intelligence (PQ) is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive positive psychology, and performance science. PQ has been validated by over half a million participants in 50 countries.
PQ is a measure of the strength of positive mental muscles (Sage) versus negative ones (Saboteur).
Saboteurs react to challenges in ways that generate negative emotions such as stress, disappointment, self-doubt, regret, anger, shame, guilt, or worry.
The Sage handles challenges through positive emotions such as empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, clear-headed, laser-focused action.
The Relative Strength of the positive Sage versus the negative Saboteurs is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient).
Mental Fitness is measured by your PQ score. PQ is an accurate predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your full potential.
The PQ Program dramatically improves performance and productivity and helps you respond to challenging life situations with a calm, clear, and happier mind and outlook on work and life.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
You can get the 7-week
Change Agent PQ Program - Valued at $2,690 - for only $1,495 (US)!
Enhanced Interactions is offering the FULL 7-week Positive Intelligence© course AND access to the PQ app, PLUS group coaching sessions for an investment in yourself of just $1495.
What's Included in the Change Agent PQ Program?
1-hour/Week Video Sessions with Shirzad: He’ll guide you through exercises that deepen and personalize your understanding of mental fitness to leave you inspired and energized for the week’s daily practices.
An App to Guide You in Daily Practice: Each day a different focus for daily practice is assigned. This builds one small muscle at a time, laying down new neural pathways to form lasting positive habits of your mind.
Interactive PQ Gym: 10-second PQ Reps will build up your Self-Command muscle. You’ll learn to be clear-headed and calm even in the midst of great challenges, able to command your mind to shift from Saboteur to Sage response.
Daily Progress Tracking: The app tracks your daily progress against minimum targets associated with new neural pathway (muscle) formation. This includes daily coaching tips from Shirzad to encourage and challenge you to keep going.
1-hour/Week Live Online Sessions with Enhanced Interactions: We facilitate group meetings with your POD to answer questions and provide guidance as you go through the program.
Online Community Support: Enhanced Interactions remains an active member of your accountability group “My Pod” channel on the PQ community app, answering your questions or providing online coaching.
Your time and effort required for this program
You’d be committing to watching a 1-hour video once per week and doing a combined total of 15 minutes per day of practice guided by the Positive Intelligence app exclusively designed for this program. Also, you will meet with your accountability POD for 1 hour per week.
This might sound like a lot of time. In fact, cumulatively, it constitutes less than 2% of your awake time for the duration of the program. Please consider that your Saboteurs are costing you far more than 2% of your time, effort, energy, and productivity. Consider how much more than 2% of time and productivity this six-weeks investment will save for years to come.
Enhanced Interactions offers THREE different
PQ Packages for your convenience.
6 - Week App Guided Positive Intelligence© Program.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
$ 995.00
Everything in
*PLUS 7-weekly POD meetings to support and nurture your experience.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
Everything in SPROUT
*PLUS 12 months of post-program content access.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence.
© Copyright Positive Intelligence. No reproduction, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without prior written permission from Positive Intelligence. www.positiveintelligence.com
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